Body Composition Analysis
So you have results, but what do they mean. Our equipment provides a ton of data that helps keep you on your road to health and wellness. In addition to body fat testing, there is a lot of additional info beyond just the percentage of body fat.
We use an InBody DSM-BIA to avoid expensive testing and inconvenient equipment such as dunk tanks or DEXA scans. We deliver the same accurate results with a Direct Segmental Multi-frequency Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Method (DSM-BIA Method) via a Tetrapolar 8-Point Tactile Electrode System. We can precisely measure many aspects of your body and its composition including:
- Body Composition Analysis: Body weight is the sum of Total Body Water, Protein, Minerals, and Body Fat Mass.
- Muscle-Fat Analysis: The longer the Skeletal Muscle Mass bar is compared to the Body Fat Mass bar, the stronger the body is.
- Obesity Analysis: BMI is an index used to determine obesity by using height and weight.
- Segmental Lean Analysis: Evaluates whether the muscles are adequately developed in the body.
- ECW Ratio Analysis: ECW Ratio, the ratio of Extracellular Water to Total Body Water, is an important indicator of body water balance.
- Body Composition History: Track the history of the body compositional change. Take the InBody Test periodically to monitor your progress.
- InBody Score: This score shows the evaluation of your body composition, which includes muscle, fat, and water in the body.
- Weight Control: See how your body measures up to the recommended Weight, Muscle Mass, and Body Fat Mass for a good balance.
- Body Balance Evaluation: Evaluates the balance of the body based on Segmental Lean Analysis.
- Segmental Fat Analysis: Evaluates whether the amount of fat is adequately distributed throughout the body.
The InBody analyzes your body composition by utilizing varying frequencies of a low- level currents to all four limbs of the body. This allows the direct measurements that are much more accurate than a device that utilizes a single frequency and applies it only to the legs.
Your weight is the first thing measured when stepping on the body composition analyzers. However, we know that your weight alone does not tell you much about your health or your body composition unless you also know your fat and muscle percentages.
Body Mass Index (BMI), a very general grouping is used a baseline for the general population based on height and weight. However, two people of the same height and weight can have very different relative proportions of body fat and therefore very different body compositions. In fact many professional athletes BMIs would put them in an obese category.
Lean Body Mass (LBM) is the total body weight minus the fat mass. The accepted normal range for LBM is dependent on the height and gender of the subject being measured. For males, the standard LBM is the amount of LBM that would give a BMI of 22 and a body of 15%. For females, the standard amount of LBM is the same BMI (22) and a body fat of around 23%.
Fat Mass (FM) is calculated by subtracting the LBM from the total body weight. The Percent Body Fat (%BF) is calculated by dividing the FM by the total body weight. The normal range for males is 10-20% and for females 18-28%.
Total Body Water (TBW) is what is actually measured to determine LBM. It is composed of all the non-fat weight of your body, both intracellular and extracellular. When the electric current is applied to your body, the lower frequencies travel around the cells and the higher frequencies through the cells.
Intracellular Water (ICW) is a measure of the amount of your TBW that is contained within the cell membranes of your tissues. In young healthy tissues, a greater proportion of TBW is in the cells.
Extracellular Water (ECW) is a measure of the portion of TBW outside of your cells as interstitial fluid. It is equal to the TBW minus the ICW. Changes in ECW can be temporary caused edema, the swelling of the legs that can occur in certain disease conditions, and also aafter standing for long perions of time.
Extracellular/Total Body Water (ECW/TBW) is a measure of the “quality” of your LBM. The lower the ratio, the healthier your LBM. It can help to diagnose health conditions even under the normal LBM, when in fact a higher than normal portion of it is ECW. For adults the ratio ranges between 0.36 to 0.39. However once levels exceed 0.40, it can be a an indication of a health condition.